While doing my daily perusing of my e-mail inbox a couple of weeks ago, I noticed an e-mail from Eric Lowenhar, the Marketing Manager over at Barron's Educational Series. For the unaware, Barron's Educational Series is the publishing company that puts out the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" books and their numerous incarnations. Eric struck up a little e-mail conversation with me, one thing led to another and he was asking me how many followers this here blog had, as he was interested in sending me out a review copy of the latest edition, which hits stores next month.
Well apparently I had enough followers to warrant a review copy, because Eric and the very gracious people at Barron's sent me out a copy and it arrived today. Before I get into the actual book itself, I just want to send out a very appreciative "thank you" to Eric and all of the people at Barron's. It's pretty damn cool that they sent the book out to me, considering I'm just an Average Joe, writing about a subject that I love - film. To think that it wasn't even me who contacted them, but them who contacted me, is even more of a humbling experience and again I say "thank you" to those guys.
Now, let me tell you first and foremost, as appreciative as I am for the free book, I want to make it clear right now - I am not switching editions. I started doing this project with the 5th Edition of the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" book, with Indiana Jones on the cover and I can assure you that I will finish this project working out of that same edition. It is very nice to have a nice, new crisp copy of the book though, as the copy that I've been working out of is starting to show some wear and tear. Flipping it open and closed for two years will do that to a book, and needless to say it's spine has seen better days.
The new book is nice and they left it alone, for the most part. Almost all of the pictures that appear within the first 900 or so pages, have pretty much stayed the same and that goes for the entries as well. I haven't studied the book carefully enough to spot all of the deletions yet, but one that I'm pretty much furious about is the exclusion of "Sideways", a film that long time readers of mine will know that I am VERY fond of and a film that took the top spot in my second TOP 20. It's even more infuriating when you notice that a movie like "Borat..." has still made the cut. Some of the additions, though, are intriguing and while I might not agree with every single one of them, you quickly realize that, to sell more copies, they have to include some of the heavier hitters from recent years. So, of course, you get things like "The King's Speech", "The Hurt Locker", "Inglorious Basterds" and "Black Swan". Here is a quick reference point for the interested, including some brief comments and links to my own reviews, of what has been added and deleted from the new edition:
*Paranormal Activity - Ridiculous inclusion, in my opinion. It's good for what it is, but I certainly would not wrap a "MUST SEE" banner around it.
*Anvil! The Story of Anvil
*The Good, the Bad and the Weird
*The Dark Knight - I didn't go all fanboy on this one like some did, but Heath Ledger's performance alone, nearly makes it a must see.
*Slumdog Millionaire
*Let the Right One In - Good stuff and a bit of an off-the-wall choice. No complaints here.
*The Hurt Locker
*District 9 - Loved this one. My most hated genre is sci-fi, but here is one sci-fi movie that is highly recommended from yours truly.
*The Hangover - I understand their need to include a little something for everyone, so if they just had to have a modern comedy, then this was a fine choice. Still it's hard to wrap my head around "The Hangover - IN, Sideways - OUT".
*In the Loop
*The White Ribbon
*Inglorious Basterds - As a big Tarantino fan, I wasn't big on this one. It was good, but it just didn't measure up to some of his earlier efforts. However, I can't complain about it's inclusion.
*Fish Tank
*Of Gods and Men
*Black Swan - Fantastic choice. I'll leave it at that.
*Four Lions
*The Social Network - Not the greatest choice in the world, but again it's hard to argue. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "MUST SEE", but again, I get their logic.
*Inception - Hated it! I get why it's in, because I know a lot of people when ballistic for this one, but it just didn't tickle my fancy, in the slightest.
*The King's Speech - Again, I get it, but I don't have to agree with it.
*True Grit
*Happy Together
*There's Something About Mary
*Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Cannot believe they cut this. It's kind of a ballsy move, if you think about it...but also a bad one.
*The Queen - This was expendable and if you're looking for British history, "The King's Speech" is just as good - so you break even.
*Into the Wild
*The Host
*Go, See and Become
*Fahrenheit 9/11 - As long as "Roger & Me" is still intact, we're good. This is good and all, but it's expendable.
*Sideways - *shakes head in disappointment*
*Crash - The review that I linked up to has me giving this an "8/10", but on further thought, I actually don't like "Crash" THAT MUCH AT ALL. It's totally expendable and kudos to them for kicking it to the curb.

*Rabbit-Proof Fence - Expendable!
*The Royal Tenenbaums - Another tough shot to my personal tastes. I'm a long-time fan of this one and think that cutting it was another bad move.
*Moulin Rouge! - Expendable!
*Amelie - Cutting "Amelie" was completely unnecessary, as well. This is a great movie, harmless, charming, delightful and it just makes you feel good. Why they cut it, when there were plenty of other perfect candidates for the boot, is beyond me.
*Meet the Parents - A really good comedy, but it's also expendable.
*Boogie Nights - WOW! I'm not the biggest fan of "Boogie Nights", but can you believe they axed this one? I sure can't. Again, I think it was an unnecessary cut and there were plenty of other films from 1997/1998 that I'm sure would have been more deserving of the chopping block.
*The Butcher Boy
*Princess Mononoke
Just to reiterate:
I AM NOT SWITCHING EDITIONS! I'm sticking to the Indiana Jones cover until the end, my friends. However, I MAY...MAY, pop in from time to time with actual, formal reviews for some of the newly added films. They won't be official or anything and won't count toward my ultimate goal or be eligible for my TOP 20 lists, but they'll be a little something extra for you to read and help in getting me up to date with some of the more recent head-turners.
Thank you so much to the people at Barron's Educational Series and specifically Eric Lowenhar for sending me out a free copy of the updated edition. I can, without a doubt, say that this is the coolest thing that I've ever been given for free. Also, if you're reading this blog right now and saying, "You know what, I need to follow this guys cue and start watching some of these MUST SEE movies", well you can. Swing by Barron's website and pick-up the new edition. It's full of color photos, well-written movie reviews and will make choosing a movie, for your next movie night, a breeze. If you don't want to get as "INTO IT" as I am, that's fine. Barron's latest edition would be a great edition to your coffee table and probably lead to some pretty hefty film discussion too. Check it out and "NO", I was not told to say that. That's the double truth, Ruth!
Check out Barron's Educational Series and the latest, updated edition of the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" book, by clicking here.
And you should also like them on Facebook, because they're a pretty likable company. You can do that by clicking here.
In the meantime, I'm still on hiatus. I'll more than likely be back on the 11th of next month to pat myself on the back a bit and yap about the two year birthday of this here blog. See 'ya then kiddies!
P.S. If you're living in an area effected by Hurricane Irene, then my thoughts and prayers are with you. As Stan Lee would say, stay safe true believers.
August 28, 2011 12:04am