Just a quick check-in to wish all of my followers, or anyone happening to stumble upon my blog a very, very Merry Christmas. In my neck of the woods, my family and I did most of our festivities tonight, on Christmas Eve and I can sincerely say that we had a very memorable Christmas. Hopefully Santa brings all of you movie fanatics what you asked for, be it special edition DVDs, the newest offerings from the Criterion Collection or what have you. Santa (and my wife, parents, brother and girlfriend-in-law) brought me plenty of stuff to keep me busy for the next few weeks, but soon I'm sure I'll make my way down the path, that is my journey through the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". Again, a very, very Merry Christmas to all of you and to all a good night.
P.S. I'll be back next week to provide wrap-ups for November and December 2012, so there's that.
PPS. If you celebrate Hanukkah or a different holiday at this time of year, I don't want you to feel excluded, so a very Happy Holidays to anyone and everyone this season!
December 24, 2012 10:50pm
Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoy the holidays. -Sandra