Directed By: Ousmane Sembene
Written By: Ousmane Sembene
Main Cast: Tabata Ndiaye, Moustapha Yade, Ismaila Diagne, Matoura Dia, Omar Gueye
This is replacing "Das Boot" and it's kind of a shame, because I was actually really looking forward to seeing "Das Boot". But, as it is, I'll see "Das Boot" sometime down the line and in case you haven't noticed by now, I kind of enjoy saying "Das Boot"! For now, we take care of another movie that graced my "unfound list" since the inception of this project - "Ceddo", which finally popped up on YouTube.
The film didn't have much meaning for me, nor did it have much of a plot, so expect a succinct, short review, as I throw out a few quick opinions and call it a day. The film is a piece of African cinema and deals with the conversion to Islam by a King, who then proceeds to force the commoners (or ceddo) to also convert. In protest, the ceddo kidnap Princess Dior Yacine (the King's daughter). Throughout the film, there are many scenes that show debates between the ceddo and the high council of the King. In an attempt to retrieve the Princess, a few of the King's subjects are killed. The King is also eventually killed and the imam (the Islamic leader) takes control of the village, renaming everyone so that they have proper Islam names.
I suppose people who enjoy mixing religion and cinema will have a hoot of a time with this one, but it simply wasn't for me. Despite my extreme disinterest, however, the film didn't really drag and was over quickly and painlessly. However, my mind did have a tendency to wander as I watched this picture and I had a hard time focusing on the film, at hand. I just had absolutely no interest and wanted it to be over and in the end, it was just another mark in THE BOOK. I try not to let movies be "just another mark in THE BOOK", as I really try to take my time with each and every picture and try to like it. Sometimes, though, it's just hard to concentrate on something I have no desire to watch. That's really the only problem with tackling this mission - sometimes you have to force yourself to watch things that you wouldn't normally watch and know, for a fact, you won't like. Sure, sometimes a surprise comes along and you go into something thinking you're going to hate it and end up really liking it, but for the most part, I know my tastes, what I like and don't like and "Ceddo" was one that I was never going to like, no matter what.
RATING: 2/10 I'll give it a couple notches for not dragging ass, but it's more like a "MUST MISS" than a "MUST SEE".
November 24, 2012 4:33pm
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